Join Stanford junior Sophia Pink as she travels across the AMERICA to find out the answer.
Sophia will be meeting with 21-year-olds from all walks of life to ask them questions like:
- What is your biggest fear?
- What is your highest hope?
- What is one moment in your life that you'll never forget?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What is your highest hope?
- What is one moment in your life that you'll never forget?
Locations (Subject to Change)
Washington, DC and Maryland
The Boston metropolitan area
Western Pennsylvania
Southeastern Michigan
Northern Illinois
Central Mississippi
Northern New Mexico
Southern California
The Boston metropolitan area
Western Pennsylvania
Southeastern Michigan
Northern Illinois
Central Mississippi
Northern New Mexico
Southern California
know any 21-year-olds who would be interested?
Send me an email at [email protected]
Funded by a Stanford Chappell-Lougee Scholarship.